Results for 'Ming-Yu Bob Kao'

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  1.  15
    Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth: Struggles for Decriminalisation and Changeby Corinne Lennox and Matthew Waites, eds.: London: Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2013.Ming-Yu Bob Kao - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (4):507-508.
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    Superior Performance in Skilled Golfers Characterized by Dynamic Neuromotor Processes Related to Attentional Focus.Kuo-Pin Wang, Cornelia Frank, Yen-yu Tsai, Kao-Hung Lin, Tai-Ting Chen, Ming-Yang Cheng, Chung-Ju Huang, Tsung-Min Hung & Thomas Schack - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The meshed control theory assumes that cognitive control and automatic processes work together in the natural attention of experts for superior performance. However, the methods adopted by previous studies limit their capacity to provide in-depth information on the neuromotor processes. This experiment tested the theory with an alternative approach. Twelve skilled golfers were recruited to perform a putting task under three conditions: (1) normal condition, with no focus instruction (NC), (2) external focus of attention condition (EC), and (3) internal focus (...)
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    Wen ming dui hua yu Zhongguo wen hua: yi "wen ming dui hua yu ru xue san qi fa zhan" wei zhong xin de kao cha.Zhiwen Zheng - 2016 - Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she.
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    Xin yang yu ge ming: dui 19 shi ji shang ban ye Deyizhi jing shen shi su hua li shi di li lun kao cha.Pengcheng Li - 1993 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo jing xiao.
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    Affect in the pragmeme of delivering a health directive.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2024 - Pragmatics and Society 15 (5):708-731.
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    Primary Metaphors and Multimodal Metaphors of Food: Examples from an Intercultural Food Design Event.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2017 - Metaphor and Symbol 32 (3):211-229.
    The conceptual metaphor “THOUGHT IS FOOD” is exemplified in many verbal expressions. Nevertheless, how food metaphors are realized through the actual dining experience remains unexplored. Based on a food design event called EATAIPEI that took place in the London Design Festival in 2015, one aimed at promoting Taipei as World Design Capital 2016, this article analyzes how the multimodal metaphors of food were creatively represented and elaborated within it. This study proposes an analytical framework that combines insights from cognitive linguistics (...)
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  7.  12
    ‘Just Like Pandemic Prevention’: The Semiotic Flow That Interweaves Multimodality, Metaphor, and Narrativity.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (2):110-131.
    This study investigates how COVID-19 advice is creatively delivered in a one-minute video produced by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control in February 2022. It examines metaphors in verbal, visual, and multimodal modes, and illustrates how such metaphors interact with multimodal narrativity. Drawing on the insights of studies on multimodal metaphors, this paper seeks to identify which are the most pervasive metaphors or what dominant metaphor, if any, is used in the video. It finds that the metaphorical mappings between coping (...)
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    In Defense of Complementary Perspectives on Metaphor: A Lesson From the East.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (3):185-203.
    This study analyzes metaphors in Taiwanese oracular poetry, known as tshiam-si, an Eastern genre written in Chinese and used in many temples in Taiwan. The genre consists of a set of poems representing a myriad of potential divine messages for problem-stricken individuals wanting to seek help from the Divine in the folk religious context. Collected from on-the-spot tshiam-si interpretations conducted in two temples in Taiwan, the data comprised five cases of tshiam-si interpretations. Building on several recent studies that advocate complementary (...)
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  9.  20
    How do Researchers Use Social Media for Science Communication?Ming-Yu Cheng & Teck-Ee Keng - 2023 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 43 (1-2):42-52.
    This study provides an overview of social media usage among researchers in Malaysia and examines factors affecting their use for science communication. The online questionnaire gathered the opinions of 425 researchers from over 20 science disciplines. The descriptive analysis highlighted usage preferences for 10 commonly used social media, while statistical analysis in particular MANOVA and correlation analysis, identified significant factors influencing researchers’ social media use. Up to 62% of respondents believe that social media is more effective in reaching the public, (...)
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  10.  32
    A framework for tracing iconicity.Ming-yu Tseng - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (149):343-360.
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    (1 other version)Genre as struggle.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2018 - Pragmatics and Cognition 25 (3):483-514.
    This study investigates the cognitive-pragmatic motivations for the emergence of a genre of health communication called Patient Decision Aid. It elucidates genre as struggle, i.e. how the emerging genre exemplifies various struggles on three strata: the difficulties facing patients, doctors, and health providers at practice level; the changes anticipated to take place at discourse level; and the tensions in the pragmatics-cognition-society nexus. Particularly illustrated here are five struggles that characterize changes or breakthroughs that PDAs are anticipated to make. It suggests (...)
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    Space Metaphor as a Signifying Force in Chan Poems.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2007 - American Journal of Semiotics 23 (1-4):221-241.
    This paper analyzes how space is metaphorized in some Chan poems, and it investigates how space metaphor contributes to Chan culture. It concentrates onorientational metaphors, metaphor associated with an upward or/and a downward orientation. Orientational metaphors tend to be grounded in dichotomized thought, e.g., “GOOD IS UP” vs. “BAD IS DOWN”, “DIVINE IS UP” vs. “MORTAL IS DOWN”, etc. This paper will demonstrate that in some Chan poems, orientational metaphors do not function this way. Instead, what is foregrounded is the (...)
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  13.  19
    Towards a pragmatic analysis of product discourse.Ming-Yu Tseng - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (1):105-140.
    This study addresses Chinese discourse creativity in product discourse within Taiwan’s creative industries. Product discourse not merely introduces creative products but also does it creatively. Based on a corpus of 20 examples, this paper proposes the notion of creative force, a chain of acts contributing to discourse creativity, and argues that five types of acting work together in the design of creativity exemplified in such discourse. They are acts of telling or invoking a story, constructing identity and stance, making multiple (...)
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  14.  20
    The performative potential of metaphor.Ming-yu Tseng - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (180):115-145.
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  15.  16
    Perception of Hong Kong Teenagers and Young Adults on Esports Participation: A Qualitative Study Using Theory of Planned Behavior.Ming Yu Claudia Wong, Pak-Kwong Chung, Kailing Ou & Ka-Man Leung - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Esports is a rapidly growing industry worldwide, and it is making significant inroads in Hong Kong as well. However, owing to debates regarding the distinction between Esports and video gaming and the potential negative effects of engaging in Esports, its development in Hong Kong is still in its infancy. Therefore, this qualitative study investigated the perceptions and attitudes of teenagers and young adults toward Esports development and engagement, using the theory of planned behavior. Twenty-five teenagers and young adults participated in (...)
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  16.  18
    Song Ming shi qi Jiangxi ru xue yan jiu.Xiaojiang Zheng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhucai Yang.
    Ben shu wei "Song Ming shi qi Chang Jiang zhong you de ru xue yan jiu" cong shu zhi yi: ben cong shu shi ren wen she hui ke xue chong dian yan jiu ji di-Wuhan da xue Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua yan jiu zhong xin tou biao, jing jiao yu bu zu zhi zhuan jia ping shen tong guo, zheng shi pi zhun de jiao yu bu ren wen she hui ke xue 2001 nian du zhong da (...)
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    Wang Yangming yu Yangming wen hua.Xiaoxin Wang & Pinglue Zhao (eds.) - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    Ben shu gong you ba jiang zu cheng, fen bie shi sheng ren bi ke xue er zhi, Wang Yangming de xin xue ti xi, shi gong yu bing xue, wen xue si xiang yu shi wen chuang zuo, jiao yu si xiang yu shi jian, Yangming hou xue, Yangming xue zai jin xian dai de ying xiang, Yangming wen hua yu Guizhou lü you. Mei ge lun ti lun shu ji zhong, shen du shi zhong, xu shu xing yu (...)
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  18.  22
    Encyclopedia of algorithms.Ming-Yang Kao (ed.) - 2007 - London: Springer.
    The online edition supplements this index with hyperlinks as well as including internal hyperlinks to related entries in the text, CrossRef citations, and links ...
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  19.  4
    Encyclopedia of algorithms: with 379 figures and 51 tables.Ming-Yang Kao (ed.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Springer Reference.
    Volume 1: A-F -- Volume 2: G-P-- Volume 3: Q-Z.
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  20.  46
    Comparison of professional values between nursing students in Taiwan and China.Yu-Hua Lin, Jie Li, Show-Ing Shieh, Chia-Chan Kao, I. Lee & Shu-Ling Hung - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):223-230.
    Background: People in both Taiwan and China originally descended from the Han Chinese, but the societies have been separated for approximately 38 years. Due to different political systems, variations exist in healthcare and nursing education systems in Taiwan and China. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the professional values of nursing students in Taiwan and China. Design: A cross-sectional design was applied in this study. The Nursing Professional Value Scale–Revised was used to measure the professional values of (...)
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  21.  10
    Sheng ming yu jin hua.Yu Li - 2007 - Shijiazhuang Shi: Hebei jiao yu chu ban she.
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  22.  24
    Between an Example and a Precept, Which Has Greater Importance? A Comparison of the Channels of Socialization in Military Ethics.Yi-Ming Yu - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (5):341-359.
    In this study, I examined what channels of socialization influence the moral behavior of cadets. We conducted a regression analysis of the effects of parents' attitudes to moral education, the standard and potential curriculum of schools, peer groups, and communication media on individual ethics and discipline using 399 sample participants. The participants were recruited through a questionnaire survey on cadets from academy of military, naval, and air force, and four-year based students from R.O.C. National Defense University. The analysis results showed (...)
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  23.  24
    Comparative Analysis of Jones’ and Kelley’s Ethical Decision-Making Models.Yi-Ming Yu - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):573-583.
    This study used structural equation modeling to verify the performance of the ethical decision-making models developed by Jones and by Kelley and Elm. A comparison showed that the Kelley and Elm decision model yielded the optimal degree of fit. The investigations conducted in this study indicated that moral intensities are not an objective, existing concept but rather the product of subjective perception influenced by organizational factors. In addition to directly influencing ethical decisions, organizational factors indirectly influence ethical decisions through moral (...)
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  24.  32
    Moderating Role of Self-Esteem Between Perceived Organizational Support and Subjective Well-Being in Chinese Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study.Mingli Yu, Shihan Yang, Tian Qiu, Xuege Gao & Hui Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Sheng huo yu si kao.Wujin Yu - 2011 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
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  26.  21
    Military Ethics Education in Taiwan: A Multi-Channel Approach.Yi-Ming Yu - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (4):350-362.
    Three methods for ethics instruction are used in Taiwanese military education: the ‘bag-of-virtues’, value-clarification and virtue-ethics methods. This article explains, analyzes and discusses each of these, thereby giving an introduction to how military ethics is taught – and thought of – within the Taiwanese military system. Recommendations are given for how to improve the parts of the system that do not seem to live up to the stated intentions.
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  27. How generativity affects organic dining intention: Case study of Shanghai.Yu Pan, Jian Ming Luo & Jiajia Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With people’s concerns about the environment growing, the demand for organic food has increased. However, few studies have focused on organic dining intention. Therefore, this study examined generativity, which is defined as the direction and care for the growth of future generations through self-expanding forms, and its influence on attitude toward organic food, environment concern and dining intention. The moderating effect of age was also examined. A total of 418 responses were collected through a face-to-face survey from Shanghai respondents. PLS-SEM (...)
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  28. How Fear of COVID-19 Affects Service Experience and Recommendation Intention in Theme Parks: An Approach of Integrating Protection Motivation Theory and Experience Economy Theory.Yu Pan, Jing Xu, Jian Ming Luo & Rob Law - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The unprecedented public panic caused by COVID-19 will affect the recovery of tourism, especially the theme parks, which are generally crowded due to high visitor volume. The purpose of this study is to discuss the effect of the COVID-19 on the theme park industry. This study aims to predict recommendation intentions of theme park visitors by exploring the complicated mechanism derived from the fear of COVID-19. This study uses a quantitative research method, and SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 22.0 were used (...)
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  29.  29
    The neural correlates evidence for the time course of distractor dilution under attentional load.Hsu Tzu-Yu, Lee Shao-Ming & Yeh Yei-Yu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Shaping Future Directions for Breakdance Teaching.Ming Tao Wei, Zhi Yang, Yu Jie Bai, Ning Yu, Chun Xia Wang, Nan Wang & Yan Shuo Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:952124.
    This article reports on the evolution of breakdance. Given the inclusion of breakdancing in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, scholars have generated substantial international research related to breakdance teaching in recent years. However, few researchers have focused on the impact of formal formative assessment on breakdance teachers’ teaching and students’ learning. We wish to contribute to the quality of breakdance teaching and learning by identifying the positive impact of recent research on formative assessment on student learning and designing (...)
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  31.  38
    A new method based on entropy theory for genomic sequence analysis.Ming Xiao, Zhi Zhan Zhu, Jueping Liu & Chu Yu Zhang - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (3):155-165.
    We have refined entropy theory to explore the meaning of the increasing sequence data on nucleic acids and proteins more conveniently. The concept of selection constraint was not introduced, only the analyzed sequences themselves were considered. The refined theory serves as a basis for deriving a method to analyze non-coding regions (NCRs) as well as coding regions. Positions with maximal entropy might play the most important role in genome functions as opposed to positions with minimal entropy. This method was tested (...)
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  32.  19
    The fine structure levels and spin-singlet contributions to zero-field-splitting parameters of Cr2+ion in CdGa2S4.Tan Xiao-Ming, Kuang Xiao-Yu, Zhou Kang-Wei, Liu Zi-Jiang & Qu Yu-Qiang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (10):1289-1295.
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    BRDF Model of Mars Simulation Soil and Its Comparison with BRDF of Earth Sand.Yu-Feng Yang, Xiang Han, Ming-Bo Jiang, An-Li Han & Wen-Shuai Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    In this paper, a seven-parameter BRDF model with double-peak characteristic, which could fit double-peak data, was adopted to fit the BRDF of Mars simulation soil. At the same time, the three-dimensional figure of the original data of the sample and the three-dimensional curve of the fitted curve were given. The results proved that the model worked well for this type of data. In addition, the experimental data of four kinds of earth sand samples with different roughness were also fitted and (...)
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  34.  27
    Comparing Moral Education Models at a Military Academy in Taiwan.Yi-Ming Yu - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (2):173-193.
    This study compared the effects of three education models, namely, the bag-of-virtues, values clarification, and virtue ethics models, through qualitative and quantitative approaches. In the quantitative study, a between-subjects design was adopted in sampling 120 freshman cadets from a Taiwanese military academy. For the qualitative study, focus group interviews were conducted with 10 freshman cadets. The results show that the VC model was the most effective among the three moral education models, followed by the VE and BV models.
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  35. Hsin jên shêng kuan.Ming-Huang Yü - 1949
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    Psychological Behavior of Frontline Medical Staff in the Use of Preventive Medication for COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study.Xiaoyan Yu, Yuxi Li, Li Tang, Lu Deng, Yuxin Zhao, Xianmei Zhao, Huilan Xu & Ming Zeng - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    School Psychological Environment and Learning Burnout in Medical Students: Mediating Roles of School Identity and Collective Self-Esteem.Wanwan Yu, Shuo Yang, Ming Chen, Ying Zhu, Qiujian Meng, Wenjun Yao & Junjie Bu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Learning burnout is an important indicator that reflects an individual’s learning state. Understanding the influencing factors and mechanism of learning burnout of medical students has practical significance for improving their mental health. This study aimed to explore the mediating roles of school identity and collective self-esteem between school psychological environment and learning burnout in medical students. A total of 2,031 medical students were surveyed using the School Psychological Environment Questionnaire, School Identity Questionnaire, Collective Self-esteem Scale, and Learning Burnout Scale. The (...)
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  38.  23
    Transformation of Military Ethics During the Zhou Dynasty in Ancient China.Yi-Ming Yu - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 18 (4):333-352.
    The transformation of the governance model from a rule of virtue to political realism in China has been a topic of great interest to scholars. In this study, I examine military culture during the Z...
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    Effect of Group Impromptu Music Therapy on Emotional Regulation and Depressive Symptoms of College Students: A Randomized Controlled Study.Ming Zhang, Yi Ding, Jing Zhang, Xuefeng Jiang, Nannan Xu, Lei Zhang & Wenjie Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Difficulty in emotional regulation is significantly correlated with depression. Depression is a psychological disease that seriously affects the physical and mental health of college students. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop diversified preventive interventions such as group impromptu music therapy. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of GIMT on the improvement of emotional regulation ability and the reduction of depressive symptoms in college students. A 71 college students were recruited to carry out randomized (...)
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  40.  26
    Quantifying the Robustness of Countries’ Competitiveness by Network-Based Methods.Ming-Yang Zhou, Xiao-Yu Li, Wen-Man Xiong & Hao Liao - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
    In economic researches, much effort was devoted to the problem of how to increase the economics of countries. However, the development of a country may fluctuate a lot due to international and domestic problems. Thus, we should also evaluate the robustness of countries against unexpected economic recessions. In this paper, we use perturbation to quantify the robustness of countries using two renowned algorithms: method of reflections and fitness-complexity method. The robustness characterizes the stability of countries’ competitiveness against economic recessions. The (...)
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  41. Chê Hsüeh Ta Kang.Bertrand Russell & Ming-K. Ai Kao - 1954 - Chêng Chung Shu Chü.
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  42. Jen Hsing Yü Tzu Wo Hsiu Yang.Wei-Ming Tu, Chün Hu & Min-Hsiung Yü - 1992
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    A preliminary study on a Mirror of Japan (Ribenyijian).Jie Tong & Ji Ma - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):117-136.
    Resumo: Após o reinado do Imperador Jiajing, da Dinastia Ming, à medida que o problema dos piratas japoneses se tornava cada vez mais grave, começaram a ser publicados livros dedicados ao estudo do Japão. Entre eles, os mais importantes são Uma Breve Pesquisa do Japão (Ri Ben Kao Lue), Uma Compilação de Mapas Japoneses (Ri Ben Tu Zuan), O Espelho do Japão (Ri Ben Yi Jian), Uma pesquisa do Japão (Ri Ben Kao), Um registro de Costumes Japoneses (Ri Ben (...)
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  44.  24
    Reactions to Problematic Internet Use Among Adolescents: Inappropriate Physical and Mental Health Perspectives.Cheng-Min Chao, Kai-Yun Kao & Tai-Kuei Yu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45. Kao Ming Kʻung hsüeh lun tsʻung.Ming Gao - 1978
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    Prediction of Fish Migration Caused by Ocean Warming Based on SARIMA Model.Feng Xu, Yu-Ang Du, Hong Chen & Jia-Ming Zhu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    Herring and mackerel are two of the most important pillars of Scottish fisheries. In recent years, global warming has caused a gradual rise in ocean temperatures. In order to survive and reproduce, herring and mackerel populations will migrate. This will have a huge impact on Scotland’s fisheries. Therefore, we need to predict the relocation of fish stocks in advance, make timely adjustments to the fishing range, and minimize the loss of the fishing industry. In this article, we subdivide the research (...)
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  47.  24
    Development Assessment of Higher Education System Based on TOPSIS-Entropy, Hopfield Neural Network, and Cobweb Model.Xian-Bei Liu, Yu-Jing Zhang, Wen-Kai Cui, Li-Ting Wang & Jia-Ming Zhu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    This paper first extracted 11 indicators from four aspects of infrastructure, educational equity, teaching quality, and scientific research level and established a multidimensional higher education evaluation system. After that, according to TOPSIS and the entropy method, a comprehensive score of the development of higher education was obtained, and a comprehensive index of higher education was proposed. According to the level of the score, we divide the development status into 5 categories, and use discrete Hopfield neural network for verification. In addition, (...)
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  48.  14
    Individual Differences in Categorization Gradience As Predicted by Online Processing of Phonetic Cues During Spoken Word Recognition: Evidence From Eye Movements.Jinghua Ou, Alan C. L. Yu & Ming Xiang - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12948.
    Recent studies have documented substantial variability among typical listeners in how gradiently they categorize speech sounds, and this variability in categorization gradience may link to how listeners weight different cues in the incoming signal. The present study tested the relationship between categorization gradience and cue weighting across two sets of English contrasts, each varying orthogonally in two acoustic dimensions. Participants performed a four‐alternative forced‐choice identification task in a visual world paradigm while their eye movements were monitored. We found that (a) (...)
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    Trickle-Down Effects of Entrepreneurial Bricolage and Business Model Innovation on Employee Creativity: Evidence From Entrepreneurial Internet Firms in China.Fei Hou, Ming-De Qi, Yu Su, Xiu-Xia Tan & Bin-Xin Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although most existing studies have considered entrepreneurial bricolage as a means to overcome resource constraints in new ventures, few have explored the direct effects of entrepreneurial bricolage on employee creativity, particularly in the context of entrepreneurial internet firms. Drawing from multiple theories, this study proposes a cross-level mediation model for the trickle-down effects of entrepreneurial bricolage and business model innovation on employee creativity. By using a 2-wave longitudinal design, survey data were collected from multiple sources, including 49 leaders and 336 (...)
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    Neural evidence for the use of digit-image mnemonic in a superior memorist: an fMRI study.Li-Jun Yin, Yu-Ting Lou, Ming-Xia Fan, Zhao-Xin Wang & Yi Hu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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